Apartment with the view of Prague 251 m²

Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 0Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 1Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 2Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 3Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 4Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 5Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 6Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 7Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 8Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 9Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 10Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 11Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 12Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 13Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 14Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 15Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 16Apartment with the view of Prague 251m 17
Strahov, Prague 6
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions 4 + 1
Total area 251 m²
Interior 189 m²
Balcony 17 m²
Terrace 45 m²
Floor 1
Parking yes (2 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-W32RM

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer luxury loft apartment, with a terrace, which rises above Prague with a good access to the downtown. This apartment is a part of residential complex in Břevnov, which was completed in 2006. The project kept the high standard of realization, lucrative location and has been carefully designed to take advantage of its location and views of the city.

This loft is furnished with modern smart home and the participator of the design was a Czech sculptor and designer Rony Plesl. The apartment is bright, sunny and has a the layout is efficiently designed. Terrace with breathtaking views of the city skyline is located above a steep slope. In the entrance floor is the living area with a gallery and terrace, dining room, luxury kitchen, garden and a guest toilet. On the second floor there are three bedrooms with private bathrooms and hot tub. The apartment is in a high standard and surprise you with some interesting details. It belongs to it two parking spaces in the garage and two basement units.

Live in one of the most seeked places and most lucrative locations in Prague with irresistible views of the elite residence. Directly from the apartment you can go jogging or rollerblading to get to the park, which is in the direct neighborhood. Good accessibility and quiet location, the good benefits of luxury living.

  • balcony
  • garden
  • terrace
  • garage
  • storage
  • loft / Mezonet
  • new development
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • river view
  • old Town view
  • intelligent home
  • jacuzzi
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