Luxury villa for sale-225 m²

Luxury villa for sale-225m2 0Luxury villa for sale-225m2 1Luxury villa for sale-225m2 2Luxury villa for sale-225m2 3Luxury villa for sale-225m2 4Luxury villa for sale-225m2 5Luxury villa for sale-225m2 6
Chržín, Outside Prague
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions 7 + KK
Interior 225 m²
Garden 2 852 m²
Land 2 852 m²
Floor 1.NP, 2.NP, 3.NP
Parking yes
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-HWXMH
Mortgage amount:
Repayment period:
Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer for sale a family residence in a very beautiful and exceptional location in the Central Bohemian Region. The villa is located right by the pond, and thus offers a unique atmosphere with unforgettable views and surroundings.

On the ground floor of the villa we find a hallway with direct access to the dining room, there is also a separate kitchen, which is fully equipped with all appliances. Living room with access to the terrace and a beautiful view of the greenery and the pond, then we get to the bedroom, which also has access to the terrace. The ground floor has a bathroom with shower and separate toilet. On the first floor there are two bedrooms, two study rooms, one with a built-in wardrobe and may in the future be a dressing room, a bathroom with a corner bath and a toilet. The dominant feature of the first floor of the villa is a large terrace with a south orientation. On the second floor there are attics, which can be converted into other rooms. The villa is very cozy and interestingly furnished in French-Italian style, the furniture was made to measure with historical and artistic decorations.

On the plot there is a tennis court, an outdoor swimming pool, a large courtyard with statues, a tree grove and a landscaped garden where thujas, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs and flowers, coniferous and deciduous trees, a rock garden and two ponds are planted. There is also an annex at the house, which after reconstruction can serve as a guest house, which consists of two rooms, bathroom and toilet. The villa offers complete privacy.

It also includes two plots of land, one with a building permit, the other plot will have a building permit in the near future.

The location provides ideal conditions for fishing, cycling and hiking. A shop and a primary and secondary school, as well as a kindergarten and a doctor, are a three-minute walk away. The international airport is 30 minutes away by car, the private airport is 3 minutes.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • storage
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • swimming pool
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