Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249 m²

Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 0Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 1Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 2Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 3Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 4Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 5Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 6Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 7Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 8Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 9Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 10Luxury apartment overlooking the river, 249m 11
Janáčkovo nábřeží, Prague 5
Price (sale) Sold
Dispositions 4 + 1
Total area 237 m²
Interior 231 m²
Balcony 6 m²
Floor 1NP
Parking yes (2 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-M5H2

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

Palace on the river bank was built in 1876-77 and is located between locations Smíchov and Malá Strana. Baroque building with elements of empire was constructed according to design of Josef Lipovský and in 2014 underwent thorough reconstruction with the emphasis to retain original historical elements of the building. It offers excellent living even to the most demanding clients. In the 1920s, the building was re-built into a palace residence according to the design of Austrian architect Rudolf Eisler for the director of Škoda – Josef Havránek. At the time, Nataša Gollová and also František Adolf Subert were amazed by this building.

The palace on the riverbank is characterized by the highest standard of living in the Prague city centre – magnificent luxury apartments, first-class service, respect to the cultural heritage and charm of Prague, and modern technologies fulfilling all the comfort needed for the residents of this palace building at the same time.


  • balcony
  • garage
  • concierge
  • storage
  • historical building
  • after reconstruction
  • nature view
  • river view
  • old Town view
  • intelligent home
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