Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague

Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 0Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 1Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 2Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 3Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 4Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 5Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 6Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 7Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 8Luxury Penthouse with 360° Panoramic Views across Prague 9
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions 5 + KK
Total area 188 m²
Interior 157 m²
Terrace 31 m²
Floor 16
Parking yes (2 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-RHKM

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

Exclusive penthouse with a terrace and panoramic 360 degree view across Prague. Situated on the 16th floor of a recently constructed building within the historical Holesovicky Pivovar (Holesovice Brewery) complex. The building benefits from two lifts and car parking in the basement.

The apartment has the layout 5kk: interior - 160 sq.m + terrace - 31 sq.m. It has an exceptional modern design by the OOOOX architectural studio and is equipped to a high standard: oak flooring; custom-built furniture including a walk-in closet and a library; built-in surround-sound audio system; built-in TV in the main bathroom and a security alarm throughout.

The residence offers a south and east facing terrace wrapped around the apartment providing views over Old Town, Prague Castle, the Vltava River and Holešovice and further across to Vyšehrad, Petřín and Žižkov – all of Prague’s treasures could be part of your daily life! The entrance hall leads into the spacious, open-plan kitchen, dining and living room with its unique panoramic views across Prague. The kitchen is equipped with top-of-the-range appliances from Miele and full-height Gaggenau fridge and freezer.

 It is further connected to the games-room / bar area and master bedroom. The games-room, with its amazing, custom-tailored billiard table, also incorporates a bar area with a wine-fridge, dishwasher, fridge/freezer. The space creates a superb atmosphere for spending time with friends and family. The apartment has 3 bedrooms: the master-bedroom with an en-suite bathroom oriented to the West and another two bedrooms and guest bathroom in the opposite wing of the flat oriented to the East. Both bathrooms have large rain showers.

The surrounding complex was originally built in the 19th century and was known as Prague’s first brewery. It has been sensitively renovated by ING Development to create a dynamic blend of residential, retail and offices. Historically industrial Holešovice has turned into the modern, trendy part of the city with restaurants, galleries, design shops and coffee bars. Notable eateries within the vicinity include SaSaZu, Home Kitchen, Molo 22 and Pivovar Marina. The apartment has 2 secure, underground parking spaces and a 5 sq.m cellar.

The property is served by multiple tram lines running adjacent to the complex as well as Metro Line C with stations at both Nadrazi Holesovice and Vltavska within easy reach.


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