Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107 m²

Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 0Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 1Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 2Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 3Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 4Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 5Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 6Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 7Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 8Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 9Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 10Luxury apartment with terrace and garden 107m 11
Karlín, Prague 8
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions 4 + KK
Total area 120 m²
Interior 112 m²
Terrace 8 m²
Garden 84 m²
Floor 1NP
Parking yes
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-W2M3

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Karlín - za významnými stavbami oživlé čtvrti

Property description

A luxury apartment for sale on the Vltava River. The unique apartment surrounded by beautiful nature. The apartment is located in a modern residential building with a facade of natural shades in a combination with wood.

A bright apartment with a water view has an access to terrace and a nice front garden. The spacious living area is connected to a kitchenette. The kitchenette is a part of the furnishings and the customer can choose from several designs. The apartment is equipped to a high standard, solid wood floors, marble tiles in the bathroom and luxury bathroom fittings. The apartment has 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of which is accessible from the master bedroom. There are a garage and a cellar. For owners of ships, ship berths are built in the port. Of course there is a 24h reception.

Just a few minutes from the building, there are Thomayer´s orchards or Libeňský chateau. In walking distance a cycling path, a perfectly groomed golf tee with training fields, tennis courts and a swimming pool. Excellent amenities, kindergartens, shops, doctors. Excellent access to the city centre by car, near the tram or metro station.


  • garden
  • terrace
  • garage
  • storage
  • concierge
  • new development
  • nature view
  • river view
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