Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice

Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 0Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 1Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 2Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 3Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 4Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 5Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 6Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 7Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 8Sale of Investment Apartment 25 m² - Prague 10, Vršovice 9
Praha 10, Vršovice, Prague 10
4 441 323 CZK
Price (sale) 4 441 323 CZK
Dispositions 1 + KK
Total area 25 m²
Interior 25 m²
Floor 4NP
Property ID Y&T-MKK3H
Mortgage amount:
Repayment period:
Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

This new project, situated at the intersection of the traditional Prague districts of Vršovice and Vinohrady, offers functional units suitable not only for personal use but also as a secure investment for further rental.

The original building, located in a quiet area, offers 1+kk units after its reconstruction. The layouts are designed to maximize the use of space, providing full utilization and comfort for owners and new residents.

All units are equipped with practical standards, including durable floating floors, large-format tiles, and sanitary facilities from reputable manufacturers. On request, units can also be equipped with kitchens fitted with modern appliances designed specifically for this project. This option allows new owners to customize their new home according to their ideas and needs.

The project offers a unique investment opportunity. The supply of smaller units in this area is very limited, and new projects rarely emerge here.Because we believe in this area, we offer all investors a guaranteed return of up to 5% p.a. Additionally, this area is very attractive due to its excellent accessibility to the city center, proximity to parks, shops, cafes, and cultural sites.

The project completion date is planned for the third quarter of 2024. Each unit is equipped with a modern heating and ventilation system, with a central source of heat and hot water ensuring comfortable living all year round.

Windows and doors are of high quality and well-insulated, contributing to the overall comfort and energy efficiency of the apartments. The electrical installation is prepared to the highest standard, including a home video intercom and data sockets. Interior doors are smooth, white with a CPL surface finish, ensuring a modern and clean appearance of the interior.

This project is not only a great opportunity for living but also a lucrative investment that you must not miss. Vršovice is known for its vibrant community and rich cultural life, making this location an ideal place for both living and investing.

Energy class C ensures efficient operation and low energy costs.

*Some photographs have been used from a sample furnished unit.

  • concierge
  • new development
  • after reconstruction
  • low energy
  • investment property
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