Luxury apartment for sale 214 m² with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň

Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 0Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 1Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 2Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 3Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 4Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 5Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 6Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 7Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 8Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 9Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 10Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 11Luxury apartment for sale 214m2 with garden 141m2, Prague 8-Libeň 12
Menclova, Prague 8
Price (sale) Reserved
Dispositions 4 + KK
Total area 214 m²
Interior 194 m²
Terrace 20 m²
Garden 141 m²
Floor 1.NP
Parking yes (2 cars)
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-WKXKH
Mortgage amount:
Repayment period:
Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

Luxury apartment for sale in a residential complex by the waterfront on the border between Karlín and Libeň. The apartment is located in a building with above-standard equipment and sophisticated architectural design.

The complex offers its residents absolute privacy, beautiful views of the river, plenty of greenery and easy access to the city center. The available 4+kk apartment with a terrace made of tropical wood and direct access to a private garden offers very comfortable living for demanding clients. Upon entering the apartment, we come to a spacious living room, which is connected to the dining room, which is decorated with a marble table and backlit tiles with Onyx, and there is also a designer stone kitchen with Miele brand appliances. The very high standard of the apartment also ensures a built-in home cinema, a built-in wine cellar, a built-in audio system, a stone dining table, Italian furniture and a large safe.

Controlled air conditioning is in every room and external blinds are a matter of course. The spectacular space of the apartment was created by joining two apartments, two entrances have been preserved here for more privacy - the master and the inn part. The property also offers three bedrooms. From one master bedroom there is an entrance to a dressing room. Generous storage spaces will be ensured by built-in wardrobes. The apartment has two bathrooms (one with a toilet and bidet, the other with a bathtub and a toilet) and one separate toilet. The price of the apartment includes two garage spaces and two cellars.

The standard of the apartment includes wooden floors, high-quality Italian tiles, French windows, underfloor heating throughout the apartment, wooden grates on the balconies and terraces, designer electrical components. Emphasis is also placed on a sensitive combination of dark and light colors, glass walls offering views of the river make living more pleasant. On the embankment with a promenade and a berth, there are commercial premises with a restaurant and a cafe, as well as other accompanying services. Thomayer's gardens with Löwite's mill and Libeň castle complement the immediate proximity of the water surface, and ideal sports relaxation can also be ensured by golf tees and sports centers with tennis courts.

Perfect accessibility to the center - metro station and tram stop are within walking distance. All services of a daily nature in the immediate vicinity.

Energy class G is listed temporarily, due to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. About energy management. The actual energy class of this property will be indicated after the delivery of the energy label.

  • balcony
  • terrace
  • garden
  • garage
  • concierge
  • storage
  • new development
  • nature view
  • river view
  • intelligent home
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