Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44 m²

Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 0Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 1Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 2Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 3Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 4Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 5Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 6Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 7Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 8Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 9Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 10Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 11Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 12Luxury 2 + kk apartment for sale - Prague 4, 44m 13
Nusle, Prague 4
7 930 000 CZK
Price (sale) 7 930 000 CZK
Dispositions 2 + KK
Total area 47 m²
Interior 47 m²
Floor 2
Parking yes
Basement yes
Property ID Y&T-H23MH
Mortgage amount:
Repayment period:
Fixation period:
1 year
3 years
5 years
10 years

We will get in touch with you and offer you the best possible tailored interest rate.

Property description

We offer luxury apartments for sale in the Maroldka residence, in a pleasant Prague location of Prague 4. The project uses progressive materials, location to the maximum to meet all current standards. His name is associated with the legacy of painter, illustrator and graphic artist Luděk Marold, who in his work faithfully captures the experiences and moments of society. He is also the author of the panoramic painting The Battle of Lipany, the largest painting in the Czech Republic.

The house has 38 units with layouts 1 + kk to 3 + kk. The space offers 4 business units and 23 garage spaces. The units in the Fit Out standard are finished to the final surfaces, including sanitary ware. There is also the possibility of professional changes to installations, layouts or materials in cooperation with the ProBydlení client center. The comfort of the residents of the Maroldka Residence is ideally completed by a walkable roof. It serves as a pleasant observation terrace, where in summer you can refresh yourself with a glass of Prosecco or recharge with a cup of coffee. There are also 8 private terraces for sale. The easy-to-read shape of the house corresponds to the aesthetics of the white façade, which is underlined by the large-format windows. With renowned architects, they set out on a path of minimalist form highlighting practical details.

Within walking distance there is a tram stop Horky, bus line 124 or Park Jezerka. Nearby you will find groceries, many different types of restaurants and small cafes.

Energy class G is listed temporarily, due to the amendment to Act No. 406/2000 Coll. About energy management. Upon delivery of the energy label, the actual energy class of this property will be stated.

  • terrace
  • garage
  • storage
  • new development
  • investment property
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